Grateful You're Here, Welcome!

Empowering the Magic of Mindset, Expression
& Flow for Lighthearted Living

Lighthearted &

Magical Mindset

I am a Mindset Coach, Speaker, and Author at Spark Social Press. With 40+ gift books of lighthearted and empowering poetry so you can express yourself on every occasion with meaningful words of recognition, inspiration, and appreciation. 

Like a fairy godmother, I can help you express yourself more authentically and clearly with my coaching, VIP Days, and courses. I offer simple and nourishing mindset tools—from gratitude to self-esteem makeovers—so you can reclaim your lightheartedness, and joie de vivre (joy of life) while expressing your glorious wonder, wellness, and wisdom—without guilt or overwhelm.

As a recovering workaholic, I created the Lighthearted Living Formula of wonder, wellness, and wisdom as the answer to overwhelm and burnout by providing a framework of sustainable balance. This magical trio offer the destination and the pathway to fulfillment.

You can engage with me via my community memberships, Discord server, and Lighthearted Living Insiders Facebook group.

xx Macarena luz Bianchi
Pronunciation: M-aa-k-aa-r-EH-n-aa looz Bee-ang-kee

PS. My latest projects include the Magical Mindset Podcast where we discuss magical mindset and lighthearted empowerment and the urban fantasy series, Magic in Miami.

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